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June 02, 2010

Entering the 12 months

Your child is just entering his 12th month. Soon, it’s time to celebrate his first birthday. This is the month when he really starts learning to walk, with a little help from the grown-ups.
It is also a period during which his most recent physical, emotional and intellectual achievements are established and perfected.

The age of great changes
Although he probably still does not walk very well and needs to be held, your child is getting around more easily. He has become an expert in crawling and changing positions.
His arms and legs are growing longer.
He is becoming more dextrous and examines his toys with great care. He loves things that pile up on top of one another, that slot into one another, that can be built and then taken back down, and he will spend a long time playing by himself.
He points at things he wants or at pictures in a book.

A clearer relationship with the world around
The more aware he becomes of his environment, the more he wants to interact with it.
He loves watching you closely to imitate your movements and facial expressions.
In his own way, he plays an active role in family life. Don’t hesitate to involve him as much as possible.
He’ll be proud to show you that he can manage all by himself.

Your child’s dietary capabilities
Your child’s second year is off to a great start because there are so many more adventures ahead such as learning of language, walking, staying dry…

New dietary capabilities
Your child is now sufficiently sensitive and dextrous to:
Pick up small pieces of food without squashing them.
Use a plastic cup and cutlery designed especially for children.

He has new teeth
He can chew real pieces, if they’re soft enough.
He wants to eat all by himself, using his fingers or a spoon.
Your child is making astounding progress because he is now capable of chewing real pieces of food and doing a lot of things by himself at the table. Although he would like nothing better than to eat what you have on your plate, his diet cannot be the same as yours as he still has specific needs.


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