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November 07, 2015

2 weeks punya cerita

Last week bantu geng Fasilinus utk kursus pemulihan BI Tahun 4... 
Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar, despite me not being prepared for anything tp okay laaa... Hehe sebab x kena present apa2 cuma help out level 2 teachers to understand LINUS tuh benda apa...

And this week, helped Mr Faizal the fasilinus utk zon Selatan pulak. But this time i presented a few slot. Hehe, wpun x terlibat secara langsung masa proses penataran kursus nih tp my part just to share apa yg berlaku di level 1 and adapt it supaya sesuai utk year 4 nnti..

Oklaaa... Utk zon selatan lebih byk knowledge yg kami dpt sebab masa nih pegawai SISC pun join, pastu cikgu2 nya pun byk ilmu yg dorang kongsi. So instead of one way its a two way sharing session... Alhamdulillah, semoga ilmu yg diperoleh akan dimanfaatkan..

Nak buat camner, kita suka selpi.... Heheh ampun....


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