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November 09, 2014

The 5 days course

Off to Langkawi for 5 days.. Phewww.. 

- the course was good.
- the room was great but at 4am (tuesday) we had to change to a new room sebab floor banjir.. Tangki/Paip kat top floor bocor..
- the food was not that ok but still Alhamdulillah... Imagine 5 days with the same menu (cuma tukar2 jer harini kati ayam esok ayam goreng lusa masak lemak ayam.. Same goes to fish fillet, squid..)

Our previous room and the parquet got wet...

- the group member.. We're having so much fun and our table is always full with chocs and chips...

- our mentors for NSP who helped us alot with new ideas and techniques on how to instill fun in learning english

- some presentation and i did one micro teaching.. Well not really a real type of micro teaching but yeah showing on how to teach L/S.. Get some comments but my mentor told me i did awesome... Haha.. Thanks Jenna for the compliment 

Some pics of me.. 



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