Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined.

March 10, 2014

Day 3 : .. Still missing...

i dont know when was the last time
i'm being glued to such an issue like what i'm having now
with #MH370...

sejak Saturday mmg ini jer yang ada dalam kepala otak
(poyolaaaa kau nih.. itu pun nak buat entry)
hmm mind you.. this is where i express my feeling,, my story..
so please bare with me..

i kept on imaging what is my family or friends are on that plane..
what if ???

pray to Allah with his mercy 
that He will show us where the plane is...
its already day 3..

i cant imagine the feelings of those people waiting for their loves one to come back
its just too hard...

Allah is the best planner... 
He knows better...

and what we're able to do is to pray for them..
just sharing some photos
and lets not forget to pray for them all the time..
mungkin ini saja yang terbaik yang mampu kita lakukan...





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