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November 01, 2010

i want Afi to be with me...

update: Afi is sleeping next to me right now...
am so glad and happy when this evening my IL came by n send Afi to my hand..
despite the road yang dah mmg tenggelam..
thanks alot to Mak, Ayah n Pak Ngah E..


its unpredictable i know..
i cant help it but trying hard to calm my self..
i know this is what HE plan for..
so i just have to wait... and wait .. and be patience..

sebagaimana yang korang mungkin dah tahu..
ye sejarah 2006 bakal berulang di Perlis..
kita tunggu dan lihat ..
aku amat mengharapkan di saat ini berlaku aku bersama anak2 ku
memandangkan Hn berada di KL so i can't do anything about it..
i just wish to be with my kids..

tapi Allah dah rancang semuanya...
semalam something happen to us..
it was scary.. and how i'm thankful that Afi is not around
and i'm glad that Adriana realized about it... 
i should blame my self for what had happen..

and today..
the rain still pouring... and showing no sigh of stopping..
and guess what.. 
kawasan di sekeliling sekolah dah dinaiki air..
kedua2 jalan keluar dari sekolah ke Kangar or Mata Ayer dah ditutup..
so kami terperangkap dalam kawasan sekolah.. 
dan yang agak menyedihkan aku..
Afi is not with me..
i want him badly..

at this time around i really want him to be with me..
i did asked MIL is she could try n send Afi back to me..
she said she will try to..
i know i'm not supposed to do that.. 
i shouldn't ask her to send my baby to me..
but the problem is i'm not that brave to simply go through the water with my Kancil
just to fetch Afi...

maybe others would say that he should be fine being there with my family
but that is not the problem. the problem is I want him to be with me..
i even texted my SIL asking her to try n asked FIL if he is able to send Afi to me..
she said she will try to do that..

kalau betul banjir bakal berlaku..
ianya mungkin lama...
dan aku tak mahu berpisah dari Afi selama itu kerana aku tahu
jarak antara rumah ke rumah mertuaku tidak jauh
(kalau jauh mungkin aku boleh terima)
(kalau kebetulan aku menghadiri kursus mungkin aku boleh terima)
tapi tidak dalam keadaan ini..

am i being too emotional..


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