i attended a meeting just now..
regarding the need to conduct an informal oral session with the pupils at school...
well this was supposed to be done like ages ago...
but dunno what's the problem...
Perlis is one the state that could not present any reports on this matter for 2008..
sungguh mendukacitakan...
so tahun nih..
mmg dorang kira pulun sakanler...
taklimat sana sini...
dan tadi mesyuarat merangkap taklimat tuk Ketua Pentaksir Sek buat kali ke 2...
aku tak tahulah kat mana silapnya...
the meeting was 'mendukacitakan'
adakah penyampai maklumatnyat tidak bagus menyampaikan maklumat...
or isit the teachers do behave like what just happen just now...
in let say all the meetings...
sepanjang tahun lepas aku idakler involve in any meeting..
yang melibatkan semua sek di Perlis...
yeahhh... aku kan budak baru di sekolah...
so most of the meeting.. they would sent the senior teacher...
but this time around...
i've been attending meeting and close discussion with some of the English teachers....
i've met like most of senior teachers and only a few newcomers...
how do i know they are newcomers...
sebab dorang pun cam tak ketahuan punca cam aku kot...
tapi serious...
aku rasa meeting tadi sungguh tidak mendatangkan apa2...
cian aku tengok the speaker..
struggle siot... nak dapatkan attention dari all the teachers...
dah sampai siap ugut 'wait until the JPN come to your school ye teachers'
tu pun semua cam buat tak heran jer..
cian aku tengok..
semua cam tak tumpu pun perhatian dekat dia...
ntahler tak tau kenapa kan...
aku cuma harap...
dari apa yang aku dapat tadi..
aku dapat jalankan tugas aku sebaik mungkin di sekolah nanti...
nak org bg tumpuan bila kita bercakap bkn kerja sng..